четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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Last minute entry again. I really need to do better at this. Maybe someday, after things calm down around here, if that ever happens. I guess anythingapos;s possible.

Itapos;s been busy lately with work and the house and replacing things, so Iapos;ve been concentrating on all that. This weekend weapos;re going to go shopping for the rest of the furniture we have to replace. Lauraapos;s excited about that, at least. I told her she should pick whatever she wants, so sheapos;s been looking online, through catalogs, and going to browse stores quite a bit. She still isnapos;t sure what she wants, although she gets excited about different things at different times. Iapos;m sure what she finally picks will be nothing like anything sheapos;s said she wants so far. Sheapos;s funny that way. I really love watching her get into these things, and Iapos;m glad sheapos;s gotten through the bulk of the bad emotions about things. Sheapos;s usually good with bouncing back from things, but every once in awhile she has a tough time. With all the support weapos;ve been getting, itapos;s helped her a lot. Her and my mom have gotten even closer with everything too, so I think thatapos;s cool. Theyapos;ve always liked each other, but it seems to have gotten to be more of a mother/daughter relationship lately.

The kids have bounced back pretty quickly, but then, kids are good like that. Weapos;ve replaced some of the things that were more important to them, so that helps. Everyoneapos;s been cool with all the kids that lost things, and theyapos;ve been really spoiled since it all happened. With everything theyapos;ve been given, by the time everything they lost has been replaced, theyapos;ll have twice as many things as they started out with. Grandparents are especially good with that stuff.

Whatapos;s very cool is that Lauraapos;s dad is coming up to visit this weekend and will stay for a week or so. Heapos;s a nice guy, and Laura adores him and doesnapos;t get to see him nearly enough. Her mom and stepdad donapos;t live far away, so she sees them quite a bit, but her dad lives two states away. Weapos;re going to try and talk him into bringing up the rest of the family for Christmas. Thatapos;d be cool and would thrill Laura.

Lauraapos;s calling me to watch a movie with her, so Iapos;m going to go do that. We havenapos;t had a lot of alone time, and so we need to take advantage of it as much as possible.
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