суббота, 11 октября 2008 г.

de bruin

So this week has been really weird.. In fact its like I am waiting for someone to go jk jk because its like a dream its not real to me. Its just weird because I wanted things to go back to how they first were and now they have it seems like instead of me getting all excited about it I end up preparing myself for the worst. I know I shouldnt do that, who knows maybe there trying? maybe there thinking this time around I am worth going through all this effort for....At least I hope I just cant help but be hesitant this time around since last time I got so badly burned...I guess its liek my wounds are just starting to heel up and here comes a different person out of left field the person I missed so much and I am waiting for the full moon to come up and for him to go back to his typical self... Its just so funny to me how things work out they either go very sour or so sweet its like your in candy land and dont know where to began because your so overwhelmed with excitment. I just dont want this to be false advertisement again...Its just it took me a little while to heal over the whole incident and I have my heart incased in this steel wall now and am fine and now its like here comes mr 180 out of left field and I just dont want to end up letting that steel wall down and getting the shit attacked out of my heart... I guess I just sorta need to see where this is going before I let any of myself give in again so I dont get hurt...I really dont know what my issue has been with having trouble saying how I feel when I am upset or when something is bugging me... I guess maybe because me being so upfront scared and pushed people away so I learned to quickly shut my mouth but it seems like when someone wants to know whats wrong I cant say it I am too afraid to because I am afraid of pusing that person away or have them think less of me.. SO confused right now... Please let this be better this time around and not a scam I cant deal with a scam again....
de bruin, de bruin makelaardij bv nl, de bruine.

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